Worker training project (next round)

The society “Latvian Hotel and restaurant Association” continues to implement

The LVRA will continue to implement the ESF project to promote competitiveness of enterprises in the sector until mid-2015.

Biedrība “Latvijas Viesnīcu un Restorānu Asociācija” (LVRA) latvijas investīciju un attīstības aģentūras administrētājā programmā “atbalsts nodarbināto apmācībām komersantu konkurētspējas veicināšanai – atbalsts partnerībās organizētām apmācībām” no 2010.-2015.gadam realizē projektu “Viesnīcu, restorānu un saistīto nozaru komersantu darbinieku apmācību projekts”.

The aim of the project is to improve the qualification of employees of companies in hospitality, tourism and related sectors (including transport, food, healthcare, etc.), acquisition of new knowledge, skills and skills, definition of new training directions and criteria thereof in accordance with the needs of the hospitality, tourism and related sector enterprises sector, thus contributing to the competitiveness and development of enterprises and self-employed persons.

The project is being implemented in cooperation with other associations representing the sector – the Latvian Association of Tourism Agents and operators (ALTA) and the Latvian Rural Tourism Association “Rural Traveller”, thus ensuring wider accessibility of the project to industry merchants throughout Latvia and more versatile implementation of the curriculum.

Indicators characterising the progress of the project:

  • At the beginning of implementation of the project, the number of partners was 68, at the end of 2013 – 104
  • LVRA offers more than 200 training courses to project partners;
  • Within the framework of the project, 945 persons participated in training programmes organised by LVRA.

Implementation of the project co-ordinated by LVRA is possible due to the receipt of financing of the EU activity “support for training of employees for Promotion of Competitiveness of merchants – support for training organised in Partnerships”. On 22 November 2010, the beneficiary “Latvian Hotel and restaurant Association” has entered into a contract No. L – APA-10-0017 with v/a “Investment and Development Agency of Latvia” for the implementation of the project “training project for employees of enterprises of hotels, restaurants and related sectors” co-financed by the European Social Fund.

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